Thursday, February 09, 2006

And for my next entry...

...I will tell you that I received my lovely Neapolitan Vesper Sock Yarn today! It's so yummy. Hmm...when will I be able to use this yarn...perhaps I will venture into Jaywalkerland?? Pictures tomorrow when (if?) the sun is out. It's too purty too photograph in other-than-natural light. :o)

I ripped out a SP7 project I was doing. It wasn't working for me. It was looking skanky and I will not send a skanky project off to anyone. Didn't like the pattern. Rats. So. Now what...?

Oh, and I've joined Lolly's Project Spectrum in an attempt to get myself to knit different colors. Casey made me do it.

Here's a photo of my new and lovely living room, because a blog really is all about the pictures. Please notice the lovely flowers from Trader Joe's (thanks Lynda!) and the yarn that has been displaced to the floor--I found it later underneath Lisa's comfy new chair. I thought I was losing my mind looking for it: "I know I put both skeins on the arm of the futon..." Silly cats--you can see the likely perpetrator (lainrikkoja in Finnish--I looked up the spelling and for some reason it told me the translation in that weird or is it just me??) of the crime under the footrest.


At 09 February, 2006 04:43, Blogger Chris said...

I love the perpetrator hiding under the footrest... smooshed in there, all subtle like.

At 09 February, 2006 06:07, Blogger Lynda said...

I'm sure she thinks you can't see her there! Lovely flowers!


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