Friday, July 21, 2006


4th of July was the last time I posted? Crazy.
Know why 4th of July was fun for me? Because the World Cup Semifinal game was shown in Pioneer Square and it was F. U. N.!!

Today I felt like knitting. I haven't knitted yet, but I intend to. Mostly I haven't felt like knitting in a long, long time.

I may be a little teensy bit tipsy from the double Margarita I made myself, too.
Jake did not like the double Margarita. Silly cat. Who doesn't like tequila?? :O)

And by the way, in case you were wondering: it was 108 degrees in Portland according to Lisa's car's temperature thingie. And in case you were wondering: that's way too hot for this non-airconditioned moderate rainforest climate. Just in case you were wondering.

I think I may only knit socks for the rest of my life. And finish my Green Gable sweater.
Yeah, tipsy. :O)

A photo in honor of tipsyness:

This is the coolest x-douloi drinking our free shots of schnaps
(real schnaps, not wimpy American schnaps!)
after dinner in Croatia.

For more (read: LOADS!!) photos of Croatia, go HERE.
I heart tequila.


At 22 July, 2006 00:26, Blogger mrspao said...

Great photos! It is really great to see what you got up to on your trip and I bet you were all exhausted after that!

At 22 July, 2006 06:30, Blogger AmyArtisan said...

The pictures from the trip are great! Thanks for sharing! :)

At 22 July, 2006 11:40, Blogger Jen said...

I read the time wrong. I thought, "Kirsten had a double margarita at 10am?" Then snorted.

Glad you set me straight!

At 23 July, 2006 19:33, Blogger Chris said...

It's good to hear from you again!! Mmmmm.... margaritas...

At 24 July, 2006 20:53, Blogger Shirley Șerban said...

Nice! Would've been fun around that table! Man, those faces bring back memories....!!!

At 27 July, 2006 00:55, Blogger Felix Chai said...

Shirley is right! It does bring back cool memories! I gonna start saving some money!


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