Tuesday, January 17, 2006

For me??

I got a letter in the mail today! A real live letter. No kidding. :o)

Thanks S. Pal! You made my day, and today I needed it because I was just diagnosed with not only ONE -itis, but 3. I have bronchitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. I am now taking antibiotics. I hope they work. I've been off-kiltery in a sickish way since OCTOBER. That's way too long. Anyway, back to the exciting letter! It's a BRIGHT PINK NOTE CARD in a fabulous lime green envelope...oh I love it! ANd do you know what it said?? It said i will have a BOOK heading my way in a few weeks! A book! SO exciting! I'll have photos of the letter when my battery for my camera completes it's charging.

In cat news: when I got out of bed to go to The Evil Dock this morning, all three cats that live in this house were on my bed. Very unusual, and very cozy! Two of them were cuddled up close--almost catspooning! Absolutely darling and I wish I was within my right mind because I would have taken a photo--I'm fairly certain this will never happen again and it must've been some sort of momentary lapse of reason on the kitties' part. Too cute!

Thanks you Secret Pal--you're fabulous! I'm even more excited than I already have been!


At 17 January, 2006 18:44, Blogger Chris said...

They could probably tell you aren't feeling well and were cuddling up to help! Wow. Whole lotta -itis going on there. At least they know what's up now - hopefully the antibiotics work quickly!! Take care!!!!


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