Monday, December 19, 2005

Just one more, then off to bed!


I bought the rug backing (recommended by somebody somewhere on the internet) and put one coat on the 2 finished pairs of Christmas Slippers! It will be clear when it is dry. I'm so excited.

Oh, before I did that I shaved them and they look 42.8 million times better and 100% more professional than they did only hours ago. Amazing what a good once over with a razor will do for a nice pair of felted slippers. :o)


At 20 December, 2005 13:07, Blogger Jen said...

Kool & the gang, baby! You rock.

At 23 December, 2005 12:18, Blogger Chris said...

Can you provide more details about the rug backing stuff? Such a brand, where you got it, etc? Love the idea - much better than the stuff for coating tool handles, which is never clear (that I can find, at least).


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